Save it, Don't Replace it.
Raising your concrete usually costs about 1/5 the cost of Tear Out and Replacement.
But the KEY is which process you choose.
FOAM, Mud or Sand simply Don't Work.
Foam, we have a whole section on this. In fact, we have finished 11 projects just this year, including 5 for the LDS Church, where Foam was used and it failed.
Mud, these companies called "Mud Jackers" use dirt but as soon as it gets wet, it moves and fails.
Same with Sand. It never gets stable, you cannot compact sand.
We've been raising concrete since 2002.
We've done MORE PROJECTS in Utah than ALL Our Competitors COMBINED!
Raising like you've never seen it before.
Early Days
Void Filling
First "Mud-Pump" 1934
1959 Chicago
Modern Hand Pump
Modern Equipment
We first see if the pad is a candidate for raising and if it is, why wouldn't you, it's about 1/5 the cost to Raise vs. Replace, especially now with concrete so hard to get and even on allotment.
But there are cases where the pad is simply too broken up to warrant raising.
In those cases, we let you know and we have select contractors we work with in different areas. When you have been at it as long as us you tend to know who the best contractors are.
When we first started the company in 2002 the Replacement guys really bad-mouthed us.
"It won't work", many of them said.
Now, most of them use us when one of their jobs goes bad.
We cover our work for Two years.
I was once told by an old boy who had done concrete for years:
"The thing about new concrete, I'll guarantee it will Crack, Nobody will Steal it and it Won't Burn."
If you are thinking about tearing out and replacing, have you checked the price of concrete lately? That is if you can even get it! Most plants are on allotment and their prices have soared.
Disposal has also skyrocketed because you can no longer haul the concrete to the dump, it can only be received at a concrete recycling facility for a fee.
Save all the mess, expense, noise, the 30 day down-time and hassle of tearing out and replacing sunken concrete and use the firm that has been doing it longer and better than anyone in the Rocky Mountain West, ConcreteJacking™.
Hydraulic Lift
BASECRETE, A proprietary mixture of sand and gravel, a Road Base used by UDOT under I-15 throughout Utah. They use it because it takes the compaction and won't move under the heavy truck traffic.
All of our competitors use sand, mud or foam and NONE of these materials contain aggregate. We've never used mud and stopped using sand 16 years ago because in our freeze-thaw climate the Aggregate is critical.
First, FOAM. We have an entire section on this.
Next Sand or Mud. If these worked UDOT would be using them under freeways because it's a LOT less expensive than Roadbase. There's a reason they don't. Ask any reputable concrete contractor why they don't just level out the dirt and pour the concrete directly over the dirt or sand? Why do they bring in Roadbase with aggregate and compact first?
I say reputable because there are builders who do just grade and pour, and that's when we get called.
Some competitors claim to use concrete when in reality they use approximately 12 parts sand to 1 part Portland Cement and call that mixture concrete. If you want a chuckle, go to a cement batch plant and ask the operator to mix you some of this "concrete."
Most competitors use just enough material to raise the slab. They make the material as thick of a consistency as their pump will handle so it will raise the pad quickly using less material. This saves them time and material but creates a small "cone" or "ant hill" effect under the slab around each hole with adjacent areas hollow. Not only will this cause breakage down the road but the pad Always goes back down because no mater what you inject, if you don't have 100% Void fill the material will move around and the pad WILL go back down, usually after the first winter or two.
A couple of our competitors use jacks to raise the concrete. Small holes are drilled in the slab so anchor bolts can be attached to a jack. They jack up the pad and then inject enough material to hold it. No compaction, no void fill and a lot of breakage. Quite frankly, you could do this yourself.
We get asked this a lot. Ever wondered why the other guys can get right out and you have to wait awhile us? They don't have a lot of work and quite frankly there is a reason for that. My daddy always said if you want construction done right go to a busy man. Folks, there is a reason we are busier than any other contractor in the entire state. There is a reason we ALWAYS have a backlog.
North Salt Lake, Davis County, Weber County, Box Elder County, Cache County, Summit County and Southern, Idaho.
Based in Northern Utah we work from N. Salt Lake City all the way into Southern Idaho, to include Bear Lake.
As the Prime Contractor for the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints, this area is consistent with work we do for The Church. We have been with them for so many years they now just send us work orders rather than bid requests and we get the work done.
We began operations in 2002 and are the oldest and most experienced Concrete Raising company in Utah, Idaho and Wyoming.
Other companies claim to have been in business for years but in reality they were in other businesses. One SLC firm claimed 12 years experience when in fact they started up in 2020. They merely bought the name of the former oldest company in Utah when Don, the owner of that company and the man who trained me, retired. (And guess what, they only lasted two years!)
Every year we have new competitors. One from Layton lasted just a year, one from Richmond didn't last a year, one from Box Elder County didn't last two years, one from Bountiful lasted just a year, three from Cache County didn't last two years and one from N. Salt Lake didn't last two years. and this is just in Northern Utah.
This year, as usual, we have more new ones, including one that advertises "since 2004" on their advertising. We caution you, they may have been in a business since 2004 but it wasn't this business. Prove it to yourself, ask them for references from 2004 or even 2010.
• Major Construction companies like Big-D - Layton Construction - Kier Corporation - Lundahl Building Systems and several others.
• R. Ray Ward Construction (Prime Contractor for the LDS Church) and Castle Creek Homes.
• The LDS Church, Facilities Maintenance Groups from Salt Lake City to Idaho. We are a Prime Contractor for the Church and they merely send us work orders.
• Utah State University (Major projects in over several years.)
• UofU, Bridgerland Applied Technology Center, Weber State, State of Utah, Cache Valley Transit District.
• 18 Cities, Three Counties, 5 School Districts, 14 Major Home Builders, 100's of Home Owners since 2002.
• Industrial clients to include Smiths Foods, Kellogs, Pictsweet, Peterson Inc., Presto, RR Donnaly, RC Willey and several others.
We won't insult your intelligence with this one. When you see a coupon for a concrete raising discount, you need to consider 20% off of WHAT? Every job is different so saying you get a discount from an unknown price is nothing more than a bait and switch tactic to get you to call. Think about two things:
First, What if I said I'd give you a 50% discount, heck a 75% discount? I haven't given you a price yet so what do you think I would do? I would merely do what they do, add it on and then show you a discount to give you a warm and fuzzy feeling. Notice how they say you must present the coupon in the beginning?
Next, even in a bad Real Estate market, do you EVER see a 20% off coupon sent in the mail or in an advertisement on a home? You may see "price reduced" but NEVER a 20% off coupon "if you mention this ad."
Companies who use those 20% off coupons are assuming you are ignorant. We won't insult your intelligence with that game.
Beware of the HYPE on this one. Nobody uses Concrete, NOBODY. We have a Salt Lake City based competitor claiming to use a new and improved "moisture resistant" grout. They claim to have a machine with the most pressure so you get the best raising of the concrete.
In actuality they use a "MudJacking" pump that is designed to pump mud or grout, Not aggregate. Their mixture is nothing more than Sand with a little Portland Cement as mentioned above.
We stopped using the mud mixture 19 years ago because early on we discovered the aggregate is needed to hold the material in place, as it is needed in Road Construction.
We have one competitor where a commissioned salesman says, "We use 6 bag concrete!" Sounds impressive but here are the facts. They use a version of the sand/portland cement mix cited earlier, NOT concrete. Making the 6 bag concrete statement is not merely a marketing ploy, it's false. But unfortunately it works on some folks because it sounds good.
Something else to consider. Salt Lake County has many times more people than Davis, Weber and Cache Counties combined. Ever thought about the fact that these SLC based companies have time to come all the way to Box Elder and Cache Counties when we are too busy to go into Salt Lake county? It needs to be a larger job or or one of our major clients because we are just too busy.
When it comes to Concrete, we used it years ago but stopped for two important reasons.
First, many times we need our material to flow through a small opening over a set distance. Concrete has a certain "slump" and the only way to get it to travel further horizontally is to water it down, and when you do that it's no longer concrete.
Second, concrete adds weight and combined with the fact that it will not flow, it attaches to the bottom of the pad in an "ant hill" or "cone" effect and can actually pull the pad down.